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How Does Pave Protect Assets You Don't Want to Sell?
Pave Product
May 23, 2024

How Does Pave Protect Assets You Don't Want to Sell?

While Pave will regularly recommend trades, it’s important to note that you, the investor, ultimately decide whether to act on our recommendations.

In certain cases, there are reasons why you might choose to hold onto an asset in your portfolio. These reasons could include your belief in the asset's long-term potential, its alignment with an individual investment strategy, or personal attachment.

Pave offers unique flexibility for investors who prefer to keep certain assets in their portfolios. To do so, simply designate assets as non-tradeable, allowing our optimization technology to create a portfolio built uniquely for you around the assets you don’t want to sell. This feature provides a sense of security and comfort, knowing that your chosen assets are protected.

To utilize this feature, navigate to your Investment Preferences within the account page. Here, you will find several customizable portfolio settings, including a toggle for marking assets in your current portfolio as non-tradable. 

Always make sure to check the statistics of your overall portfolio. If the risk seems high or the return seems low, you can check how Pave scores the assets you want to keep. Pave will always attempt to control the risk and return of your portfolio, but this can only be done within reason.