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How Pave Can Help Graduated Student-Athletes
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September 12, 2024

How Pave Can Help Graduated Student-Athletes

Malcolm’s Story

Malcolm was a four-year starter for a well-known D1 basketball program, receiving several NIL (“name, image, and likeness”) contracts throughout his career. Then, halfway through his final season, Malcolm suffered a season-ending injury.

After several months, it became clear that this injury was the end of Malcolm's basketball career, and it was time to start thinking about the next step. Malcolm had been smart with his NIL money and created a nest egg that he could use to build his future. However, Malcolm had no idea where to begin and no one around him who could guide him financially. 

In the age of NIL athletics, more student-athletes will face similar situations. With Pave, these men and women can take the first step towards a life after sports. They earned their future; Pave will help them invest in it.

How Pave Can Help

At its core, Pave is built to help individuals like Malcolm. As a student-athlete, he already understands the value of discipline, and with Pave, that understanding can translate into habits to achieve financial wellness. Our technology features a simple sign-up process and an intuitive interface that builds each user a portfolio personalized around them. The management & funding of a user’s portfolio can also be automated, so Malcolm doesn’t have to worry about maintaining his account regularly.

Let’s say Malcolm isn’t sure exactly what he wants to do from a career standpoint and needs time to figure it out. Pave will help him work toward his financial future by accessing the power of investing and compound interest. Our ability to automate trading and portfolio optimization allows Malcolm to spend more time thinking about his career and less worrying about his portfolio.

For young investors like Malcolm, who worked hard to earn their future, Pave is a tool to help transition financially into a new chapter of life.


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